Sunday, January 18, 2009

Phil gets a break

Yesterday was a big day for Phil. He's still living in the basement, and it was so cold this weekend...

...that he didn't get to spy his lovelies at all on Saturday. Sunday, however, was a different story. We let him get reacquainted with the hens, two at a time, and he was in heaven!
We got about 3 inches of snow today so Wes is praying for a snow day tomorrow, but he would definitely settle for a two-hour delay! I didn't do any quilting this weekend, but we made a trip to IKEA on Saturday and had friends over for football on Sunday. I made three kinds of bread on Saturday night and Ham and Bean soup on Sunday, and after that I was tired...


Kim said...

Kim said...
Try puting him in the coop after dark, or when you chickens are roosted for their sleep period, but watch to see that he isn't pecked again - chickens will peck another chicken to death...might want to allow him to recover his health if he is still bleeding before you try this. Either way, staying or re-homing this guy is not going to be easy for him.

Kim said...

Uh oh...looks like Phil's troubles are over. :(