Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Posting

A new year and a new blog! I can't imagine why anyone would want to read what I have to say, but then again, I read lots of blogs every day and I'm sure glad that my favorite bloggers didn't let that niggling idea stop them. I have lots to learn, like how to post a picture and make a banner, so bear with me.

Here is something pretty exciting (egg-citing) that's going on around the manor lately:

Eggs!!! We have six hens and a rooster. We found our first egg just before Christmas and received our first double-yolker on Dec. 25. Today is the first day we have gotten an egg from each of them (although one of them came without a shell!) It's been really fun trying to figure out who is giving us which egg.

Hmmm...maybe that picture thing isn't going to be so difficult after all?

1 comment:

Selvage Quilter said...

You have answered that age old question: the chickens came before the eggs! And you thought you might not have anything to say that people would want to read! You're off to a great start, I'd say.

Keep writing. Blogging is such a blast. Welcome to blogland.